俄罗斯金融支付资讯 中文网


有趣的是,信用卡支付在俄罗斯并不是一种流行的支付方式。相反,银行转账和 Qiwi Wallet 电子钱包主要用于支付。 Qiwi Wallet拥有较为完备的风险保障机制,为买家提供安全的支付选择,无需担心资金丢失。
Interestingly, credit card payments are not a popular payment method in Russia. Instead, bank transfers and Qiwi Wallet electronic wallets are mainly used for payments. Qiwi Wallet has a relatively complete risk protection mechanism, providing buyers with secure payment options without the fear of losing their money.

Qiwi 的成功在于它能够迎合俄罗斯人的喜好。俄罗斯人已经习惯使用现金进行消费,只有5%的消费者拥有银行账户。通过结合这些习惯,Qiwi 创造了一种能引起俄罗斯民众共鸣的支付方式。
Qiwi’s success lies in its ability to cater to the preferences of the Russian population. Russians have grown accustomed to using cash for consumption, and only 5% of consumers have bank accounts. By combining these habits, Qiwi has created a payment method that resonates with the Russian population.

每天超过 400,000 笔交易,Qiwi 的使用率和覆盖率都很高。但奇维的影响并不仅限于俄罗斯。该公司在欧洲、亚洲、非洲和美洲的 22 个国家开展业务,使其成为全球领先的支付方式之一。
With over 400,000 transactions per day, Qiwi’s usage and coverage rate are strong. But Qiwi’s influence is not limited to Russia alone. The company operates in 22 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, making it one of the leading payment methods worldwide.

Qiwi 消除了支付方式的麻烦,提供了一种方便、安全、可靠的支付选项,引起了消费者的共鸣。在技术正在改变我们与金钱互动方式的世界中,QIWI 脱颖而出,成为可靠且值得信赖的支付提供商。无需再随身携带现金,无需再担心您的资金安全——Qiwi 已为您保驾护航。
Qiwi takes the hassle out of payment methods, providing a convenient, safe, and secure payment option that resonates with consumers. In a world where technology is changing the way we interact with money, QIWI stands out as a reliable and trustworthy payment provider. No more lugging around cash, no more worrying about the safety of your funds – Qiwi has got you covered.

Qiwi: The game-changer in the world of payment systems.

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